Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Identifying challengers

I divided it into some parts because too big

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Elderly questions

Rank1.How do we help elderly to connect with the world?
Now the world is all about technology and the old people are stranded because they don't know anything about using a handphone to using a laptop. So now the elderly can communicate with the youngsters easily. We can help them by using our free time to help the elderly by teaching them the basics of the use of technology before moving to the more advance parts.

Rank2.How can we provide fund for the elderly?
As the elderly becomes older, it means they are getting weaker which means they can't work anymore. After they retire, they will start using their retirement fund and soon they will have no money and will have to borrow money from their friends and relatives.
We can help them by raising fund for them by charity fund raising.

Rank3.How can we help the elderly?
There are many things that the elderly are suffering from, final burden, health problem and boredom.
We can help them ease their financial burden by providing fund for them via charity etc. We can help them not to get sick by bring them to the hospital for checkups. And we can clear their boredom by spending time with them.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Holiday homework part 1

Housing. A place where it is elderly friendly. Elderly will be able to live as part of the community.
Accessibility. The building will have accessible lifts and walkways, they will also have transport right at their doorstep.
Caring. We need to ensure that the elderly health is in good condition by doing checkups regularly.
Opportunities. The elderly will be given opportunities to participate in activities. Their relationship with their family will increase.

The house could be in a specific size to suit the elderly's needs.

The government could help subsidize some of the medical bills for families who have a low monthly income. Another way would be to learn the skills to treat the elderly so that we do not need to go to the clinic or hospital whenever something happens.

We could go to these houses/centres and have a nice chat with them to build up friendly relationships with them.
We could help them organize activities for the elderly.
We can contribute our knowledge and try to help the government come out with a solution to help these elderly with their funding.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

elderly challenge- observation three

The elderly have weak bones and most of their problems are due to that. Some elderly around my neighbourhood that I have seen have to carry bags of groceries from the market and have to walk through the park with all their heavy goods in their hands. This tires them down and will also affect their knee bone from walking such long distances and carrying so many things, and this is their daily routine.

elderly challenge- observation two

They become angrier and more unfair to everyone else because they believe that they can take care of themselves and will become cranky when helped by people. Another reason is because they believe that they are going to die soon and wants to live life to the fullest but people keep stopping them from eating unhealthy stuff so they are cranky.
We should let them eat their stuff but only stop them if they eat too much of it.

Elderly challenge- observation four

Most of the elderly believe that since they are going to die soon, they won't care for their safety and starts to jaywalk. Their recklessness may cause their life and those around them. We should stop them before they do this reckless stuff and waste their life away.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Elderly challenge- observation one

I have noticed that old people often get stuck in the middle of the traffic as they walk too slowly. they cannot get to the other side of the road because the traffic lights are too fast. Because their muscles have weaken over the years so they move slowly and get very hurt when they fall over get minor injures.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Personal Reflection (NEWater visit)

1.What are the 3 key takeaways from today’s visit?

I learnt that there are 4 taps of Singapore, what processes NEWater uses to purify and distill the water, and how they do it.

2.Name 2 concepts that you have learnt today during the visit.

The 2 concepts are that NEWater filters out waste water and not rain water and that NEWater has added 1 extra filtration technique so that the people in Singapore believe that NEWater is completely safe.

3.What is the 1 interesting thing that you have learnt today?

Newater is going to supply 30% of the demand of water in Singapore by 2012,so even without imported water,Singapore can survive.

4.What are the things that you can do to help with water conservation in Singapore?

We can use water conserving techniques to conserve water and also can teach others this techniques

Wednesday, February 10, 2010



I took this picture from under the object as it will look better.

The image is fuzzy as I moved the camera

The picture is straight as it is still and not moving

The picture is blur as the object is not stable.

I took this picture from sideways as it will look more interesting.

The picture is blur as I shook my camera

Admt pictures

Monday, February 1, 2010

Top 5 props

1.I think the main underlying theme of the clip is that there are many creative ways to use an item.
2.I think the comedians must have a very wild imagination,quick thinking and must be humorous and a wide knowledge of many subject area.
3.I must expand my knowledge in many areas and i must learn how to think outside the box more often.’
4.I use in knowledge in different areas, such as mathematics. I can use the quick thinking skill to answer challenging questions easily and I shall think outside the box to have a clearer view of the subject.

Sustainable design...a wow idea

1.My understanding of the term ‘sustainable design’ is design that do not destroy the environment and try to use renewable like bio mass.
2.Sustainable design can be incorporated for example in design of buildings so we can use less electricity. We can also use solar energy or wind energy as energy source or we can use natural light to light up the house.
3.He wants to help the 1.6 billion people who don;t have access to electricity to have low cost refrigeration and he wants to stop the spread of disease.
4.This contraption can allow people to have access to low cost refrigeration and to save earth’s natural resources.

Monday, January 25, 2010


1.Laptop bag
P.It is quite waterproof and it has two components
I.It is easy and light to carry
E.Makes you feel part of the school
S.Identify that I am a SST student.

2.A house
P.It is big and waterproof.
I.I can study in the house because it is very quiet
E.It makes me think of my grandfather.
S.I can stay there f my house is too under renovation.

3.In the MRT station/train
P.It is very long and big
I.A cheap and fast transport
E.Feel uneasy with many strange people
S.I may bump into someone i know on the train.

4.Watching a documentary/movie
P.It is a interesting movie
I.A cheap entertainment
E.May feel sad when watching the movie
S.Can discuss with many people abut the movie

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sustainable design is the philosophy of designing physical objects, the built environment and services to comply with the principles of economic, social, and ecological sustainability.
to find out more go to:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sustainable_design


What is RESEARCH? (Please use your own definition/s!)
It means attempting to find out in a systematically and scientific manner

Why do you think research is important?
I think it is because we can find and learn new things by ourselves.

How can we conduct good research?

We must concentrate on our work and not think about any thing else.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lesson1:Introduction to Art, Design, Media and Technology

1.It is the art of design and without it, there will not be anything called masterpieces and nothing will be pleasing to the eye.
2.Without ADMT, life will be boring- without any technology and designs.
3.I would like to learn how to sketch and design stuffs.