Wednesday, February 10, 2010



I took this picture from under the object as it will look better.

The image is fuzzy as I moved the camera

The picture is straight as it is still and not moving

The picture is blur as the object is not stable.

I took this picture from sideways as it will look more interesting.

The picture is blur as I shook my camera

Admt pictures

Monday, February 1, 2010

Top 5 props

1.I think the main underlying theme of the clip is that there are many creative ways to use an item.
2.I think the comedians must have a very wild imagination,quick thinking and must be humorous and a wide knowledge of many subject area.
3.I must expand my knowledge in many areas and i must learn how to think outside the box more often.’
4.I use in knowledge in different areas, such as mathematics. I can use the quick thinking skill to answer challenging questions easily and I shall think outside the box to have a clearer view of the subject.

Sustainable design...a wow idea

1.My understanding of the term ‘sustainable design’ is design that do not destroy the environment and try to use renewable like bio mass.
2.Sustainable design can be incorporated for example in design of buildings so we can use less electricity. We can also use solar energy or wind energy as energy source or we can use natural light to light up the house.
3.He wants to help the 1.6 billion people who don;t have access to electricity to have low cost refrigeration and he wants to stop the spread of disease.
4.This contraption can allow people to have access to low cost refrigeration and to save earth’s natural resources.